Prof. Micaela Schmid, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Bioengineering Lab. – Floor D
Dept. of Electrical Computer and Biomedical Engineering
University of Pavia
Dept. of Electrical Computer and Biomedical Engineering
Via Ferrata 5, 27100 Pavia, Italy
e-mail: micaela.schmid@unipv.it
phone: +39 0382 985370 / fax: +39 0382 985373
2000 – Ph.D. title from the University of Pavia with a final dissertation entitled “Quantitative analysis of rehabilitation in lower limb amputees”
2000 – Diploma of Post-graduate Advanced Formation issued by the University Institute for Advanced Studies of Pavia and the University of Pavia (IUSS)
1997 – Examination of State for the qualification to the profession of Computer Science Engineer
1997 – Graduation in computer science engineering at the University of Pavia presenting an experimental thesis entitled “Balance control in lower limb amputees”.
Foreign Experience
1997 – Three months at the laboratory of Movement et Perception UMR – Faculté des Sciences du Sport de l’Université de la Mediterranée (Aix Marseille II)
1993 – Erasmus student in the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at the University of Strathclyde Glasgow.
Known Languages
Italian: mother tongue
English: oral and writing
French: oral and writing
Research topics
Gait and balance analysis of lower limb amputee subjects
Quantitative evaluation of the rehabilitation process
Central and peripheral mechanisms of the muscular fatigue
Motor and balance control in healthy and pathological subjects
Sensorimotor Integration
Motor plasticity and postural adaptation phenomena
Gait analysis
Research projects
Principal Investigator
2011 – Straight and curved walking in Parkinson’s disease: basic mechanisms, pathophysiology and rehabilitation interventions’. Ministry of Health.
1999 – Bio-Feedback system evaluation with a clinical images classification method. Young Researchers Project, Ministry of Education Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR).
Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR)
2010-2011 – Action organization and monitoring: from vision to motor control. PRIN – Principal Investigator Prof. C. Galletti
2007 – Adaptive features of posture and movement. PRIN – Principal Investigator Prof. M. Schieppati
2005 – Contribution of the gravity, of the visual and proprioceptive signals in the balance and gait control. PRIN – Principal Investigator Prof. V. Pettorossi
2003 – Sensory influences on reference coordinate systems for movement. PRIN – Principal Investigator Prof. M. Schieppati
2001 – Human movement and sensori-motor integration: redundancy, plasticity, Learning, spatial memory, degradation, modelling FIRB – Principal Investigator Prof. M. Schieppati
1999 – Bioengineering of the sensorimotor organization in postural stabilization. PRIN- – Principal Investigator Prof. A. Buizza
Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS)
1996 – Lower limb prosthesis sensorization (Principal Investigator Prof.ssa D. Zambarbieri)
Referee activity
2011 – now Clinical Biomechanics, Elsevier
2009 – now Gait and Posture, Elsevier
2006 – now Experimental Brain Research, Springer
2005 – now European Journal of Applied Physiology
Invited Seminar
2005-2006 Université de la Méditerranée – European School Marseille on Motor Disabilities: posture and movement analysis, rehabilitation, neurophysiology.
2003 I.R.C.C.S. Fondazione Salvatore Maugeri, sede Pavia – Protesi ed Ausili Tecnici nel Progetto Riabilitativo: Innovazione Tecnologica e Risultati Riabilitativi
2001 Università degli Studi di Pavia – Centro Interdipartimentale di Studi e Ricerche sulle Problematiche dell’Handicap
Conference Organization
2010 Balance, Balance Disease and Rehabilitation. Fondazione Salvatore Maugeri, Pavia. Scientific Committee
2009 ISPGR XIX Satellite Pre-Conference. Basic mechanisms underlying balance control under static and dynamic conditions, Pavia. Scientific Committee
Professional experience
2004–2005 FIRB Researcher – Fondazione Salvatore Maugeri, I.R.C.C.S. Pavia
2003-2004 Contract research – Fondazione Salvatore Maugeri, I.R.C.C.S. Pavia
2003 Consulting activities for Dr. Scholl, Bayer
2002-2003 Scholarship – Fondazione Salvatore Maugeri, I.R.C.C.S. Pavia
2000-2002 Contract research – Department of Computer and Systems science, University of Pavia
Academic activity
2015 – now Professor for the class of Rehabilitation and Prostheses, Master’s Degree Courses in Bioengineering, University of Pavia.
2009 Member of the examining commission of PhD final exam in Human Movement Science, Université de la Mediterranée, Marseilles.
2005 Researcher, M-EDF/02, School of Medicine of the University of Pavia.
2004 – now Professor for the class of Biomechanics and Method and Technique Analysis of Human Movement, Motor Sciences, University of Pavia.
2003-2004 Contract Professor for the class of Bioengineering and Rehabilitation, Motor Sciences, University of Pavia
2002-2004 Contract Professor for the class of Biomechanics and Method and Technique Analysis of Human Movement, Motor Sciences, University of Pavia.
2001-2003 Contract Professor for the class of Artificial Organs and Prostheses, Motor Sciences, University of Pavia.
2000-2002 Contract Professor for the class of Bioengineering, Motor Sciences, University of Pavia.
International journals
- M Schmid, S Sozzi: Temporal features of postural adaptation strategy to prolonged and repeatable balance perturbation. Neurosci Lett. 15:110-5, 2016.
- M Schmid, A Bottaro, S Sozzi, M Schieppati: Adaptation to continuous perturbation of balance: progressive reduction of postural muscle activity with invariant or increasing oscillations of the center of mass depending on perturbation frequency and vision conditions. Hum Mov Sci. 30(2):262-78, 2011.
- M Schmid, L Casabianca, A Bottaro, M Schieppati: Graded changes in balancing behaviour as a function of visual acuity. Neuroscience 153(4):1079-91, 2008.
- M Schmid, A Nardone, AM De Nunzio, M Schmid, M Schieppati: Equilibrium during static and dynamic tasks in blind subjects: no evidence of cross-modal plasticity. Brain. 130 (Pt 8):2097-107, 2007.
- G Courtine, AM De Nunzio, M Schmid, MV Beretta, M Schieppati: Stance- and locomotion-dependent processing of vibration-induced proprioceptive inflow from multiple muscles in humans. J Neurophysiol. 97(1):772-9, 2007.
- M Schmid, M Schieppati, T Pozzo: Effect of fatigue on the precision of a whole body pointing task. Neuroscience. 139 (3):909-20, 2006.
- M Schmid, G Beltrami, D Zambarbieri, G Verni: Centre of pressure displacements in trans-femoral amputees during gait. Gait Posture. 21(3):255-262, 2005.
- M Schmid, M Schieppati: Neck muscle fatigue and spatial orientation during stepping in place in humans. J Appl Physiol. 99(1):141-153, 2005.
- M Schmid, AM De Nunzio, M Schieppati: Trunk muscle proprioceptive input assists steering of locomotion. Neurosci Lett. 384(1-2):127-132, 2005.
- A Zancan, MV Beretta, M Schmid, M Schieppati: A new hip-knee-ankle-foot sling: kinematic comparison with a traditional ankle-foot orthosis. Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development 41; 5:707-712, 2004.
- M Schieppati, A Nardone, M Schmid: Neck muscle fatigue affects postural control in man. Neuroscience 121:277-285, 2003.
Chapters in Italian books
- A Buizza, R Lombardi, M Schmid: Strumentazione per la valutazione della disabilità motoria. In: Le scale di misura in riabilitazione: guida pratica per il corretto utilizzo delle scale, Società Editrice Universo (Roma) pp. 549-574, 2005.
- A Buizza, C Mazzà, M Schmid: Valutazione delle disabilità motorie. In: Bioingegneria della postura e del movimento. A Cappello, A Capozzo, PE di Prampero eds., Patron Editore pp.353-374, 2003.
- A Buizza, M Schmid, E Truddu: La Strumentazione Biomedica. In: La Gestione della Strumentazione Elettromedicale nella Nuova Organizzazione Sanitaria. A Buizza, G Genduso e A Pagliaro eds., Consorzio di Bioingegneria ed Informatica Medica (CBIM), pp. 13-41, 2000.