Prof. Giovanni Magenes, Ph.D.
Full professor of Biomedical Signal and Image Processing
Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering
MSc Master in Electronic Engineering
Dept. of Electrical Computer and Biomedical Engineering
University of Pavia – Via Ferrata 5, 27100 Pavia, Italy
e-mail: giovanni.magenes@unipv.it
1989 – Post-doc fellow at the Sensori-Motor Laboratory, Université de Provence (France) under the research exchange program included in the European Community Project BRAIN.
1987 – Fellowship from the French Government as visiting researcher at the INSERM-Unit 94 (Institut National de la Santé et de la Récherche Medicale) in Lyon (France).
1987 – Degree of Doctor in Bioengineering from the Polytechnic of Milano, Italy.
1981 – Laurea degree in Electronic Engineering “cum laude” from the University of Pavia, Italy.
Professional Experience
2014 – Delegate of the University of Pavia for Information and Communication Technologies.
2007-2012 – Director of the Department of Computer and System Science, University of Pavia.
2005-2015 – Director of the Interdepartmental Centre of Tissue Engineering, University of Pavia.
2005 – Full professor of Biomedical Signal and Image Processing at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Pavia.
2005 – 3 months Invited professor, Faculté des Sciences du Sport, Université de la Méditerranée, Marseille – Aix II, Marseille, France.
1999-2003 – Professor of Psychophysics at the San Raffaele University (Milano).
1998-2004 – Associate Professor of Biomedical Signal Processing at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Pavia.
1990-1998 – Researcher at the Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica, University of Pavia, Italy, on Control Systems Theory.
Known Languages
Italian: mother tongue
English: oral and writing
French: oral and writing, over two years spent in France
German: only reading
Research interests
Intelligent biosignal analysis.
Soft computing methods in biomedical applications.
AI techniques in medicine.
Neural Networks applications in robotics and biomedicine.
Biomimetic sensors and systems.
Artificial sensorimotor systems.
Design and development of life-like perceptive systems.
Tissue Engineering.
Research Projects
2013-2016 Research Unit Leader in DeNeCor project (Devices for NeuroControl and Rehabilitation) – ENIAC Joint Undertaking – International Project Leader: Mark Von Helvoort, Philips.
2009-2012 Research Unit leader in PRIN Project (Area Industrial Engineering) Telefetalcare, National Coordinator Prof. M.G. Signorini.
2006-2010 Leader of the research unit at Eucentre (Pavia) in the project ProeTex – Protection e-Textiles: MicroNanoStructured fibre systems for Emergency-Disaster Wear n. 026987 belonging to the VI framework programme of the European Union.
2006-2009 Coprooser of the project “Impiego di cellule staminali, biomateriali e biotecnologie innovative per la produzione di: Tessuti Artificiali Umani Trapiantabili (T.A.U.T)”,funded by the national research plan in the field of New Biomedical Industry. National coordinator M.G. Cusella.
2003 FIRB Neuroscience – Research unit Leader – Project title “Human movement and sensori-motor integration: redundancy, plasticity, learning, spatial memory, degradation, models”. National coordinator Prof. M Schieppati.
1998-2000 Research grant from Hewlett Packard, on the development of new techniques for the analysis of fetal Cardiotocography.
1992-1995 Leader of the research unit of Pavia in the project “Internal Representation of Body/Target-in-Space Relationships in Eye-Head-Hand Coordination”, funded by Human Frontiers Science Programme.
2000-2003 PRIN Project (Area Industrial Engineering) Methodologies and technologies for the evaluation of structural and functional relationships between Autonomic Nervous System and Central Nervous System. National coordinator Prof. S.Cerutti.
International Collaborations
Prof. Dirk Hoyer, Universitätsklinikum Jena, Jena · Klinik für Neurologie.
Prof. Jean Louis Vercher, Inst. Of Movement Science, Aix- Marseille University, France.
Dr. Claude Prablanc, Directeur de Recherche émérite INSERM, Lyon, France, neurosciences.
Dr. Eng. Jean Luprano, Centre Suisse d’Electronique, Neuchâtel, Suisse.
Member of the New York Academy of Sciences.
Member of the European Neural Network Association.
Member of the IEEE.
Scopus publication list – lin
Google scholar publication list – link